If you have any questions regarding the tournament rules please reach out to
Drew Hale | 781-589-2280
Thank you for participating in this year’s Bluefin Blowout, benefitting the Alzheimer’s Association.
The Bluefin Blowout Tournament does not have a weather committee. Each Captain is responsible for decisions made due to weather. Decisions to fish or not to fish will be at the discretion of the captain and participants. FISH AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Heaviest Fish – length per federal Bluefin Tuna regulations: Please check updated regulations on the NMFS website ( All tunas qualifying for the must be brought to the official Bluefin Blowout Tournament weigh-in station Cape Ann’s Marina Resort in Gloucester, MA. Tunas will be weighed in by the weigh master. The weigh master or a tournament member accompanying the weigh master will record the weight.
Our weigh master will be available to answer any questions on Tuesday evening at the Captain’s Meeting. For these rules, these definitions apply:
Weighmaster – The official weighmaster, or his designated assistant
Field dressed – Tuna with one gill plate and all gills removed, and all viscera, including both gonads, removed
Delay – Any aberration in the preparation of a tuna being presented for weighing, which will, in the opinion of the weigh master, hamper another vessel from presenting his fish
The weigh master shall inspect each fish upon arrival for adherence to the field dressing requirement. He will assist each vessel as necessary to insure uniformity but will not delay other boats from weighing their fish. If the fish at the time of weigh-in is not prepared in accordance with the definitions above, the tournament reserves the right to send the boat away from the weigh-in until the fish is properly prepared.
It shall be the responsibility of the boat to notify their dealer of arrival time, and in the event a dealer is delayed, the fish will be put back on the boat until dealer arrival, or the boat may then bring the fish to the dealers wharf.
The decision of the weigh master in adequacy of preparation, weight of fish, and adherence to these rules is final, subject to the appellate process of the tournament rules.
After the weigh master releases the fish, any disposal must be done outside the harbor.
The decision of the weigh master is final and cannot be appealed.
All boats must have the ability to fish without any outside help. No transfer of landed fish to another boat regardless of the situation. The boat that caught the fish must bring the fish to the weigh-in station.
All boats can leave from any port. All boats MUST text or e-mail a photo of their vessel at their home port with DIGITAL DATE, TIME AND COORDINATES showing the vessel at the port of departure. 781-589-2280
The tournament VHF channel will be Channel 69. All Bridge Channels are 13. Cape Ann Marina Dockmaster Channel 10.
FISHING DAYS/HOURS: Boats may leave no earlier than 10PM JULY 16th 2024. Overnight fishing is permitted per federal and state regulations.
LINES IN – No boats are permitted to put TUNA FISHING gear (lines and hooks) in the water until 12:00 AM WEDNESDAY, JULY 17TH per NMFS Regulations.
BOATS ARE REQUIRED to fully document with video the “LINES IN” rule with proof of time (Digital Stamp, GPS time, etc)
NMFS rules state “one fish per day per boat.” If a boat weighs a fish on July 17th in accordance with the rules herein, that boat is not permitted to have TUNA FISHING lines in until 12AM, July 18th. Boat must fully document with video the “LINES IN” rule with proof of time (Digital Stamp, GPS time, etc).
THE BLUEFIN BLOWOUT is a registered NMFS tournament and there will be representation from federal officials on site throughout the tournament.
FISH LANDING – Once a fish is landed, the boat is required to provide video with proof of time (Digital Stamp, GPS time, etc) of ONE FISH in possession.
Weigh In: The Weigh-In station is open from….
JULY 17TH, 2024 – 1:00pm – 9:00pm (NOTE: See QUALIFYING FISH)
JULY 18TH, 2024 – 1:00pm – 4:30pm (NOTE: See QUALIFYING FISH)
ONLY ONE (1) QUALIFYING BFT per boat will be weighed each day
IMPORTANT: UPON LANDING A FISH – That boat should make all attempts to radio on tournament channel upon landing a fish and receive confirmation from any tournament boat. That boat (or surrounding tournament boats) should notify via phone or tournament channel the tournament committee (whichever is feasible).
ALL BOATS returning to weigh in a qualifying fish must check in and receive confirmation by tournament channel OR text/call. 781-589-2280
QUALIFYING FISH: In order to qualify for the daily weigh in, a vessel must be passing the designated Committee Boat and receiving VHF confirmation by:
9:00PM JULY 17th, 2024 to weigh in Wednesday
4:30PM JULY 18th, 2024 to weigh in Thursday
NOTE: These committee boat check points are set due to bridge openings of the Blyman Bridge and the Gloucester Railroad Bridge. Boats should plan accordingly and radio for openings in advance.
Committee Boats: A committee boat will be stationed at:
ANNISQUAM RIVER CHANNEL 43 – Green lateral buoy (cylindrical shape)
“BC” ANNISQUAM RIVER SOUTH ENTRACE BOUY – Red & White Can Marker (42 36.528’N, 70 40.269’W)
You must radio the committee boat at either marker on channel 69 to confirm your location
QUALIFYING BOAT must be at or passing by committee boats prior to times outlined above
COMMITTEE BOATS will be stationed at least 30 MINUTES prior to times outlined above
Official tournament time is local GPS time.
All boats entering or leaving the harbor and river should adhere to the “NO WAKE” speed limit. The tournament takes no responsibility for any waterway violations.
BOUNDARIES: It is the responsibility of the boat to meet the weigh-in deadline.
All boats must meet U.S. Coast Guard Requirements and are the sole responsibility of the boat owner.
This is a rod and reel tournament. No airplanes or other fishing gear will be permitted for this tournament. Any means of obtaining bait (live or dead) are permitted. Anglers may fight the fish from a rod holder and cockpit harpoons are allowed. No electric reels or harpoons are permitted.
All fish weighed in for prize eligibility must be caught from a registered boat. This is a boat tournament and in the event of mechanical failure, PRIOR TO START OF TOURNAMENT, Captain and Crew may request that they fish an alternative boat, but the tournament committee MUST approve the boat change.
PROTESTS: All protests must be in writing within 48hrs after the close of final weigh in time, July 18th. Protests require a $1,000 fee submitted to the Tournament Committee. If the protest is upheld, the $1,000 fee will be refunded.
Anglers and crew aboard winning boats will be subject to a lie detector test.
Boats should always respect fellow competitors.
All participants and their crews, friends, and family shall be respectful of the tournament hosts, i.e. Cape Ann’s Marina Resort as well as their staff.
The rules of the tournament are absolute and any changes to these rules will be provided to the captain of each boat prior to the Captain’s Meeting. Once the tournament starts, all boats will abide by the tournament rules.
24. Any breach of any of the above Tournament Rules may result in disqualification for current and future tournaments.
25. Decisions of the Tournament Committee are final.
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Contact For Rule Questions
If you have any questions regarding the tournament rules please reach out to
Drew Hale | 781-589-2280